Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's the Wind! It's a Ghost! No, It's an Earthquake! LOL!

Yesterday, the very silly me actually thought I had an authentic ghost encounter that I could sincerely share to my friends and future grandchildren. Frustratingly, it turned out to be just an earthquake. Dang, I never had any true ghost stories to share. I thought this would be IT! LOL!

Here's how the story goes:

I was at our other house with my nephew Jordan. This house is situated in what we Filipinos would call a "barrio" which basically means a very serene, rural area with fresh air, minimal noise and all those stuff that would entice older people to buy a property and build their retirement haven. LOL! (This is what my parents exactly did)

I do not stay/sleep here because it's just too boring! No cable TV, no internet connection, no nothing! The only entertainment/fun I could think of is swimming in our pool, videoke singing, and watching TV with local channels (we also have a DVD player but all DVDs here are old school --- BeeGees, Tom Jones, and other old crappy artists' concerts). But it's fine with me. Anyway, I only stay here once or twice a week for a few hours.

So Jordan and I were inside one of the rooms. I call it the Green Room because obviously its green and its a communal room. LOL! Anyone of us siblings could use it. We were watching a local noontime show while I was trying to put him to sleep.

When he was starting to get sleepy, I carried him in my arms and we walked out of the room. I literally was shocked to see our dining room chandelier swinging. I turned around and thought it must have been just my imagination. So I turned again to see if it was really moving. It still is! And this time, the drop lights in our bar were swinging too! Holy mackerel! I rushed inside the room and was convinced that our house is haunted.

I DIDN'T feel the earth move under my feet. (know the song? LOL!)

So I just continued watching TV. After a few moments, a special news flash reported that a 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit Manila, Central Luzon, and other neighboring areas. Jesus Christ! Way to go Ey-em! You just made a complete fool out of yourself! It was a good laugh for me. But I am still disappointed that my supposedly first ever ghost story was nothing but sheer major stupidity. LOL!

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